Walk the Walk - Day 60 of 365 Days to a Better You

Walk the walk.

Three years out of four, day 60 is the beginning of the third month of the year. In ancient Sumeria, this would have been one-fifth of the way through the common year. The Sumerian year was 360 days long (it came from the recognition that a circle is 360 degrees). The five extra days each year were holy days to complete the year.Ironically, that calendar configuration reminds us of something interesting. Most days along our path are ordinary. That's not to say they don't count or they don't add it up toward the result. They absolutely do. I simply mean there's no fireworks, no big news, no major achievement. They're just ordinary days.You often hear the phrase, "Walk the walk," in the context of, "Don't just talk the talk..." Today I want to use it differently.  If the proverbial journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, then it's also completed one step at a time. A lot of days are simply about walking that walk without fanfare or accolades.This causes a lot of people to detour or stop the push toward their goals because "nothing is happening." The truth is nothing is happening on the surface most of the time, but the power and consistency of the action (the steps) is building a momentum behind the scenes that will eventually manifest your dreams.So, today keep on walking the walk even if nothing seems to be happening. Keep on doing the small, ordinary things that will one day equal the big, extraordinary dream. Let others be bored with a lack of immediate gratification for your dreams are bigger than that.You are all the BEST!RayPlease check out our growing Motivational Quotes Library on the TAS website.