Stop and Smell the Flowers - Day 57 of 365 Days to a Better You

Stop and smell the flowers.

Sometimes the trite is trite because it's true. Stop and smell the flowers is one of many aphorisms that remind us that we need to slow down, take a breath, and enjoy the ride.I'm not sure how valid the notion of a Type-A personality is in the 21st century. We've become a culture of Type-A personalities. We're always in a rush, always pushing, pushing, pushing.According to a 2014 study by the American Institute of Stress, 77 percent of Americans experience regular physical effects from being too stressed and 73 percent experience regular psychological effects of stress. According to a 2017 American Psychological Association survey, the following were our top stressors are:

  1. The future of our nation 63 percent.
  2. Money 62 percent.
  3. Work 61 percent.
  4. Current political climate 57 percent.
  5. Violence and crime 51 percent.

What can you do to eliminate or reduce stress? There are a few obvious things.

  1. If possible, remove yourself or limit exposure to your sources of the stress.
  2. Use affirmations to keep your mindset strong.
  3. Exercise, eat well, and sleep well to keep your body strong enough to handle stress.
  4. Get quiet - pray, meditate, or just be.
  5. Get out into nature. Nature is the natural antidote to the stresses of the modern world.

Power hack: I'm betting none of those recommendations for dealing with stress surprised you. Here's the thing. You have to do them for them to work. The intention to strengthen your mindset, get out into nature more, or mediate does not help you. You have to do it. That takes intention and discipline.I can't leave you today without giving you a chance to just be. So, set whatever else you're doing aside and take a three-minute relaxation vacation with me to Havasupai Waterfall in India. Watch it or close your eyes and listen. Get got upFew words today. I found this beautiful video on YouTube. Just sit back, relax, and take a three-minute vacation. This is the Havasupai waterfall in India. Absolutely beautiful. Relax and be at peace as you move through your day today. Let the sights and sounds of the waterfall and the peaceful music wash your stress away.[embed width="123" height="456"][/embed]