Don't Die with Your Music Still Inside You - Day 49 of 365 Days to a Better You

Don't die with your music still inside of you.

One of my favorite moments in Spring is the first time I see and hear a cardinal sing. I love red and so I find cardinals to be stunning birds. The best thing, though, is their amazing song. I can't get enough of it. I'd love to hear your song too![embed width="123" height="456"][/embed]The late Wayne Dyer often encouraged his listeners with this aphorism. I never heard Wayne say it, but I've always believed he was referring back to another proverb of indistinct origin. "A bird doesn't sing because it has the answer, it sings because it has a song.Did you know you have a song inside of you? I believe we all do. You may call it your bliss, your mission, your path. It's that thing that we cannot imagine dying without having expressed, experienced, and shared. Yet, many of you reading this, have not blessed the world with your song."Well," you might think, "No one really cares about my song. It won't change the world or my situation." Are you sure? Who among us knows how a word, a gesture, a thought from you might change everything?Whether you "singing" your song would shift the world or just shift a moment, read the quote again. The reason for singing your song is not because your song is the answer, though it might be. The reason for singing your song is because you have a song and it's what you're here to do. You won't feel complete until you pipe up. So, pipe up!It doesn't have to be the most beautiful song or the most profound. It only needs to be the contribution you came here to make.No pressure, but it's time to start singing!Have a fantastic and song-filled day!Ray