Awakening Affirmations

Slowly or quickly we are all awakening. The author Graham Hancock wrote, "We are a species with amnesia." You came here without context for your being here or an understanding of how you fit into the big picture of the universe. You are left your own devices or those of the people that have come before you to figure this out.These affirmations encourage the idea that your enlightenment is proactive and available to you right here in your daily life.

  1. My enlightenment IS right here and right now.
  2. Today I AM awakening to possibilities I never considered before.
  3. The pearls of my awakening are scattered along my path today.
  4. I AM awakening from the sleep of my confusion.
  5. I AM a vehicle for raising the vibration on this planet.
  6. I AM an agent of positive change everywhere I go.
  7. I AM filled with radiant light and energy.
  8. The winds of awakening blow through me today and I allow them to do their work.
  9. Today and every day, I experience awakening, break-through, and release.
  10. I AM awakening to a broader and deeper awareness.