Dream Building Builds Dreams - Day 38 of 365 Days to a Better You

Dream building builds dreams.

Let's continue talking about your dreams and how to manifest them more easily.We talked about living as if you already have your dreams. One of the specific things you can do is go "dream building."Go out on the home tour to see and experience the house you dream of living in. Go down to the car dealership and test drive the vehicle you want to own. Taste your dream - smell it, hear it, touch it, see it. The more senses you have involved the more real it is to you.Plant a vision firmly in the soil of your subconscious mind that one day you will have the object of your desire. You will experience the experience you seek. You will feel the love you want.Many years ago my wife and I experienced this related to a house. We were renting a tiny house in our small town. We used to walk around the town lake where sat the nicest subdivision in town. I remember one night in particular we were looking at the beautiful houses and saying aloud, "Some day we will live here."At that moment, there was no logical reason to believe that we'd be able to afford a house at The Lake. Still, we planted the seed deep in the soil of our minds. We watered it and nourished by driving through the neighborhood occasionally.We kept getting up each day and doing our thing. We advanced in our jobs and kept on dreaming. About five years later, we decided to buy a house in town. We had no idea we could afford a house at The Lake. We cautiously set up an appointment to go see a house there. It was love at first sight.We were qualified for the loan, but, in all honesty, the payment was still a stretch for us. No matter, we bought the house and fulfilled our dream to live at The Lake. We loved that house and lived there for 11 years until we moved to Boston four years ago.Some people might claim that there was no link between that night we dreamed of living there and the day we actually did. I've experienced too many similar experiences to dismiss this idea. There's no doubt that the seed planted eventually became the three of the life dreamed.


A dream fed is dream sped.

Feed a dream. Starve a doubt.

You feel like you're treading water, treading water, treading water, and then one day you realize you've slipped right into living your dream. There's a kind of unconsciousness about the last step that allows you to ease right into a life you only, well, “dreamed” about.Today, no matter what physical or psychological weather you face in your life; keep treading, keep dreaming, and stay focused. Your dreams can be yours.Not every dream is attained by strenuous, focused action. Some dreams grow organically in the background as you keep moving one more step forward. As Napoleon Hill wrote decades ago, "Whatever you can conceive and believe, you can achieve."The mind's eye is a powerful lens through which to conceive, believe, and achieve your dreams.RayPlease checkout our YouTube channel for more great motivational content.