Friday Morning Motivation from London to Tokyo

It's late, late evening here on the east coast of The United States, However, for many of my readers around the world from London to Johannesburg and Sydney to Tokyo, Friday is well underway.Here's some morning motivation for you. This served as my personal affirmation back in 2008. I used to read it daily to begin my day. I hope you will find it useful and inspiring. It's all about claiming your right to be you no matter what anyone else thinks or says about it. You're only accountable for your vision of you.

Who I am is not for sale at any price! I am brilliant and beautiful and a best friend to everyone who knows me. I am peaceful and happy and more successful than ever before. I am relaxed and confident and trading in my old fears on new hopes.
this year is going to be a wonderful year for me; a year of breakthrough, options, and opportunities for new paths to follow. I am excited and ready for the challenges and the triumphs that lie ahead.
No, my self-worth, my happiness, my freedom, my unbounded optimism about what is ahead is not for sale at any price.
Stay inspired!