Be HERE Now - Day 18 of 365 Days to a Better You

Be here now.

Today's Affirmation

Today I harness the power of NOW to create all my tomorrows!

You are doing great! We are already up to the 18th day of our journey together.Wisdom reminds us that NOW is all we have. Yet, we often live around it, ignore it, and leave it unattended on our flights of fancy into the future or our clinging to a past that's now nothing but a dry river bed.Whether they consciously know or not, happy and successful people are those who can right here right now. Now is where we can feel life, change life, and make a difference for ourselves and those around us.I recorded this brief video about this concept last summer.[embed width="123" height="456"][/embed]This one doesn't take a extra work or effort. It simply requires conscious awareness - when you leave this moment - to breathe and come back to NOW.Power hack: Blogger and coach, Catherine Beard, offers these 12 fantastic tips for being more present.Stay inspired and have a great day, my friends!Ray