Follow Your Bliss - Day 17 of 365 Days to a Better You

Follow your bliss.

For years, I've ended posts with the phrase, "Follow your bliss, experience your bliss, become your bliss." I borrowed and modified the concept from the great Joseph Campbell. He famously stated, "Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls."The quote was based on Campbell's firm belief that following your bliss was a vital - perhaps the most vital - message coming through the great historic myths to us. Campbell placed each of us in the role of "the hero" on our own heroic journey. As with all heroes in myth, there comes a moment of decision and choice. Often this is a climatic moment where all will be lost or gained. This is the magical moment Campbell is speaking of when he counsels to follow your bliss and watch walls turn into open doors.The hero - you - is a chosen being. You're here in this place and this time to fulfill your purpose. When you do, the universe rewards you in ways someone not living with that life force will never see.So, today I want you to commit to following your bliss. You've defined a big dream, you've worked on creating a burning desire for its achievement. Listening to your inner-self and understanding what your bliss is will give you game cheats to reach your objectives more quickly.Here is Campbell and the great Wayne Dyer giving you some master insight on following your bliss.[embed width="123" height="456"][/embed]Once you follow it, take those next two steps. Really feel it and experience it fully. This is you at your absolute best in the flow. Next become your bliss. That is you embodying your bliss so fully that you and your path become indistinguishable. MAGIC happens then!Ray