Stop Comparing Yourself to Others - Day 15 of 365 Days to a Better You

Stop comparing yourself to others.

We humans are comparison shoppers. It's probably some kind of a survival mechanism that we're always weighing, ranking, and judging ourselves and everything around us.

  • "She's so much prettier than me."
  • He's so much more successful than me."
  • "They're so lucky."
  • "I wish I had that life."
  • "I hate rich people."
  • "I'll never be that smart."

These are a few of the millions of ways we judge, compare, and become jealous of what other people have. There is nothing productive in any of this. The time we spend doing this is time better spent working on ourselves.One of the sure keys to success and happiness, though, is to stop doing this and run your own race. Masters, gurus, and weekend motivational teachers galore have offered some version of the only person you need to be comparing yourself to is you yesterday.Get in the habit of being so into doing you that you don't have time to worry about what others were doing. You're in a one-person race, but if you're consciousness is in everyone else's lane, you'll never run your best.Every flower is beautiful in it's own way. So are we!Aloha from Kauai!RayPower hack: If you have trouble doing this, try "tick-marking." Have a sheet of paper handy throughout the day. Each time you catch yourself comparing yourself to someone else, stop, make a tick mark on your sheet. Consciously stopping and awareness of how much you do this are great ways to reduce it.For tons more motivational content, please visit the TAS website and YouTube channel.