6 Tips for Growing Under Any Circumstanes - Day 11 of 365 Days to a Better You

Have the weed's mentality. Grow under any circumstances.

Good morning, friends. I just want to take a moment to say THANK YOU for reading these messages each day! It is my highest desire that you'll take something valuable each day from them and that, if they help you, you'll share them with your friends.

Today's life hack is be resilient. Ok, all the gurus are saying we need to be more resilient, but how do you do it?

Here are practical things you can do to be more resilient.

  1. Opinions - have you noticed? Everyone has one, especially when it comes to you and your dreams. Wayne Dyer used to say, "Free yourself from the good opinion of others." Rachel Hollis reminds her audience that the people with all those opinions won't be around to live the life you don't have because you let their opinions stop you. Get over other peoples' opinions.
  2. Make lemonade - it's old advice, but sagely advice. The results are in. Life is not always going to go your way. Things change, people change, bad things even happen to good people. Life will hand you the proverbial lemons. When that happens, make some lemonade from them. The alternative is to let the taste of those lemons sour your life. That's not who you are!
  3. Higher purpose - these moments that can take you down for the count are the biggest reason you need a bigger life's mission - a definite purpose - as we discussed a few days ago. Without it, all the bumps in the road will soon leave you in the ditch of life. With it, they seem like small speed bumps on the road to your Nirvana. Stay focused on your big picture.
  4. What lies within you - Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "What lies behind us and what lies before us ate tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Remember who you truly are. You are not this temporary setback. You a hero on a hero's journey meant for greatness. You are a one-in-a-trillion miracle indispensable to the successful operation of the universe in this moment. You are a force of nature that can't - that won't - be stopped.
  5. The experts said - this is similar to the first one, but even more important. You might be able to dismiss the opinion of people you know because what do they know? But, many get stopped in their tracks at the moment of setback because they start listening to all the experts. The train, the television, the Internet, Michael Jordan as a basketball player, Mickey Mouse as a good idea, the Colonel's original recipe chicken are just a few examples of things the experts said would never work. I'm not counseling against taking good advice. I am saying that if you have a definite purpose and a burning desire to achieve it, don't let the experts get in your ear at a moment of setback. They've been wrong many, many times. Every amazing breakthrough had had a chorus of naysayers jeering it along. Yours may just be the next great example of the experts being wrong.
  6. Affirmations, Affirmations, Affirmations - when your mind turns against you, turn it back. It does work for you, you know. Change your mind by changing your thinking. Everyone from Jesus to Buddha to the latest YouTube motivation sensation has said it in one form or another. Your thoughts become you. If you want to change yourself, change your situation, or change your life, change thoughts. Your thoughts are the greatest creative force at your disposal. Power them up in your moment of setback.

One of my all-time favorite quotes is by professor of medicine and promoter of meditation for stress relief, Jon Kabat Zinn. "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf."

Grab a board! Life won't stop coming and neither should we!


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