Friday Evening Reflection - Fake Teddy Roosevelt and Getting Older

teddy-roosevelt-becomes-presidentApril and I are home this week sandwiched between two trips. Those are always the moments when I need to stay grounded to get things done. I've done pretty well this week.I've noticed a pattern lately. I keep learning interesting things and having the same thought, "I wish I'd known that 20 years ago." I love being 54. There's more freedom than there's been since my 20s, but there are times, I don't know about you, when I wish I could back the clock up a decade or two and have more time to get all the things done I still want to get done on this Earth.So, here's my advice to me this evening and I hope it may resonate with you as well. It's a quote wrongly attributed to Teddy Roosevelt, though it came from his autobiography. The actual source is Squire Billy Widener.It's been one of my favorites through the years and spot on to answer this angst I have about wanting have that extra time.

Do what you can, with what you've got, where you are.

As much as we'd love to relive those years, our direction is forward not back. All of our goals and aspirations are there for us whether we're 24 or 54 or 94. Breathing is the only requirement to have another chance. Breath is hope. Hope is possibility. Possibility is everything!Have a great evening, my friends. Thanks for reading and for your support!RayP.S. If you're a golfer or know one, please check out my newly posted Golf Affirmations video over on YouTube. Be sure to use headphones. I'd love your feedback.