Practice Patience - Day 4 of 365 Days to a Better You

The Serenity Prayer

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Patience, they say, is a virtue. It's a virtue in short supply in our society today. It's not because we're all evil or selfish. It's just that we're always in a hurry. Running from one thing to the next and working to be productive little bees, we have a short fuse for things that hold us up.You see this in the form of honked horns, people yelling at retail clerks or waiters, and, in extreme cases, road rage. People can literally lose their minds because some has the audacity to slow them down. Has this ever been you? I'm sad to say it has, on occasion, been me.Here's my challenge to you on Day 4. Take a breath. Breathe in, breathe out, and relax. In whatever ways present themselves today, let the other person go ahead of you. If someone honks at you, take a breath, smile, and see how they're being driven by this same crazy force that's driving all of us.Demonstrate some patience today. You might like enough to make it a new habit doing its part of make you a better you. If you're lucky, you may touch on something even deeper than conscious patience...serenity.Peace out and chill out, my friends! Have an awesome and patient day. Share your experiences in the comments below.You're AWESOME!RayFor more motivational content, visit the TAS website or YouTube channel.