Make a To-Be List - Day 2 of 365 Days to a Better You

I hope you got STARTED on a new goal yesterday. If not, start now! Today's task is to create a TO BE List. Everyone has a TO DO List. A TO BE List helps you decide WHO you want to be at the end of 2019.I've been doing this activity since 2008. I think you'll find your To-Be list a very powerful tool. This became quite a thing about 2010 and now, if you Google it, you'll find this idea everywhere.You are a human being not a human doing. All the dos in the world won't make you the person you want to be unless you have clear targets for it.Here are some instructions I put together to help you.To-Be List InstructionsPlease leave your list below in the comments. I can't wait to hear you will be one year from now!RayFor more inspiring content, visit The Affirmation Spot website or YouTube channel.