Freedom Affirmations & Quotes

Today’s Thought

Everything can be taken from a man or a woman but one thing: the last of human freedoms to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”
~Viktor E. Frankl


Freedom is such an important concept and has many connotations. In our modern world, we often think of freedom in terms of political freedom or religious freedom. There are still far too many examples in our world where these freedoms are deficient or non-existent.

Yet, there is an even more profound freedom. That is the freedom to think, to be free from mental and emotional conditioning, and the fully express the person you came here to be. These kinds of freedoms are the province of the mind, not the purview of the state or the church.

These affirmations and original quotes focus on all kinds of freedom.


  1. Today I am the person I came to the planet to be!

  2. My freedom to choose is my freedom to change.

  3. I cherish my freedom! My freedom is the fertile soil where I plant, nourish, and harvest my dreams.

  4. Freedom powers my success in life! I always nourish freedom in my environment!

  5. I am a free human being empowered to reject tyranny and oppression in all its guises.

  6. I am a free human being empowered to share this Earth peacefully with all life forms that live here with me!

  7. I am a free human being empowered to speak mind and follow a path of my choosing!

  8. I am a free human being empowered to explore the meaning of my existence for me.

  9. I practice freedom of speech. I grant myself the freedom to be speak and act authentically in every situation.

  10. I hold these truths to be self-evident that all people are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

  11. My freedom flows not from government, religion, or other people. My freedom flows from the moment of my birth.

  12. My life and my thoughts are my responsibility. I refuse to cede them to any institution!

  13. I cherish my freedom! Freedom is the soil where I plant hopes and dreams. Today is planting day!

  14. Today I unchain my mind and walk consciously into the light of freedom.

  15. The only cage I live in is the one I choose for myself. Today I set myself free!

  16. Today I assert my freedom of speech and that every human being on this planet!

  17. Today I assert my freedom of thought and that every human being on this planet!

  18. Today I assert my freedom of non-harmful action and that every human being on this planet!

  19. I refuse to infringe the rights of others and I expect the same in return.

  20. Today I release my self-imposed chains and walk consciously into the light of freedom.

  21. Wherever tyranny chains hearts, I am the loudest voice for freedom!

  22. Today I choose an open heart over a narrow mind.

  23. I believe in a protected Earth and a free Humanity. I refuse to sacrifice either! My life is a catalyst for both!

Original Quotes by Ray Davis

  1. Freedom and conformity cannot live in the same heart. Freedom and conformity cannot dwell in the same mind.

  2. Freedom is purely and simply oxygen to anyone seeking self-development, self-improvement, a sense of achievement, success, or enlightenment.

  3. Free societies are built on disagreement, compromise, and tolerance. If anyone of these is denied, the society ceases to be free.

  4. Free speech only for those who agree with you is no free speech at all.

  5. The individual, not the state, is the source of creativity, inspiration, and vision.

  6. Free hearts and open minds the world over are saying, “Enough” to top-down tyranny.

  7. We have spent hundreds of years battling political tyranny and ignoring monetary tyranny. They are inextricably linked.

  8. The world needs bottom-up genius, not top-down tyranny.

  9. Freedom and conformity cannot live in the same heart Freedom and conformity cannot dwell in the same mind.

  10. Freedom and justice for those who agree with us is no substitute for freedom and justice for all.

  11. Freedom and tolerance go hand in hand. You can have neither so long as you reserve them only for yourself.

  12. Freedom is a dish always served with a side of uncertainty. To have the one, you must accept the other.

  13. Freedom is a tsunami ready to permanently drown the nightmares of tyranny and dogma.

  14. Freedom is a process of eroding top-down control in favor of bottom-up empowerment.

  15. Refuse to be who others have conditioned you to be. Reset your factory settings.

  16. Freedom is an historical process of eroding top-down control in favor of bottom-up empowerment.

  17. Tyranny is always waiting in the wings, ready to restore order to freedom’s messiness.

  18. Tyranny is like an addictive drug. You always need a little more.

  19. Freedom is like a sharp blade. The wise use it to cut themselves loose. The unwise use it to injure themselves.

  20. Freedom is not a gift granted by government. Freedom is a truth declared by nature.

  21. Freedom is not conceived in a bomb, nor preserved by a bullet. Freedom is a choice in the heart.

  22. Freedom is the gentle rain and the warm sunshine that allows my dreams to grow and flourish.

  23. Freedom is the simple, but evolved, principle of live and let live.

  24. Freedom is the soil where dreams go to grow.

  25. Freedom is the sweet smell of possibility in the morning and the impulse to pursue it.

  26. Freedom of speech doesn’t protect popular speech. Its popularity does that Free speech protects unpopular speech.

  27. Freedom of speech is risky, denying it exponentially more risky.

  28. Freedom of thought is the foundation of all other freedoms. Practice it regularly.

  29. Freedom persists only where populations are informed. Us and Them are tyranny’s two favorite constituencies.

  30. Freedom with insecurity is a quantum leap beyond security with no freedom.

  31. We cannot be conditioned, helpless, and dependent upon government and expect to be free.

  32. Us vs. Them always conditions away half your thought process and half your options, leaving your mind divided and conquered.

  33. A conditioned mind is a conquered mind.

  34. A people polarized is not a free people. It forces you to tie half your brain behind your back.

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.
