The Abundance Affirmations Page

Today's Quote
Abundance is not something we acquire. It's something we tune into
~Wayne Dyer

Abundance is something we all want for ourselves and those close to us. As much as it is physical comforts, it is also a mindset, even a sense of well-being and plenty in our lives. We don't buy abundance with hours of work or wise investments. We achieve it, as Dr. Dyer suggests, when we align our thinking with our desire for fulfillment - monetarily, physically, and spiritually.

The affirmations on this page help you focus your mind on generating an abundance mindset in your life. Bookmark this page as it’s a growing library of abundance affirmations.

  1. Abundance and joy, joy and abundance; I claim my abundance as I thrive in my joy.

  2. Today and every day, I drink gratefully from the Universe's abundance.

  3. Abundance flows through my life like a mighty river today.

  4. Abundance is my destination when I refuse to exit at setback.

  5. I am abundant and more so every day.

  6. I am heir to the Universe's abundance and today I claim my inheritance.

  7. I am abundant! I cultivate abundance in my mind and I harvest abundance in my world.

  8. I am an abundance magnifier! As I prosper, I help those around me to prosper too.

  9. Today I am releasing every mental state that separates me from my abundance.

  10. I choose abundance! I deserve abundance! I achieve abundance.

  1. Today I am on a direct collision course with abundance and well-being.

  2. My moments are abundant! My days are abundant! My life is abundant.

  3. I flow with this abundant Universe and the Universe always provides for me.

  4. I live in a Universe of plenty and today I claim my share.

  5. I have everything I need! I have everything I want! I have more than enough to share.

  6. Today I embrace my abundance and reject my scarcity mindset.

  7. My confidence is rolling! My abundance is flowing.

  8. My world is abundant! Opportunities are everywhere for me!

  9. Today and everyday, I am showered with abundance.

  10. Breathing in, I welcome my abundance. Breathing out, I become my abundance.

  1. My dream car is coming to me right now.

  2. I attract abundance in my life. Whatever I need always comes my way!

  3. I AM the abundance I want to see in my life.

  4. I AM heir to an abundant universe. Today I claim my inheritance.

  5. WHATEVER I need ALWAYS comes my way.

  6. I AM more abundant than ever before.

  7. I deserve to be abundant.

  8. My abundant life is seeking me right now.

  9. I AM like gravity to money.

  10. I attract abundance and health like a magnet.

  1. I ALWAYS have plenty to eat.

  2. I ALWAYS have a warm bed at night.

  3. I ALWAYS have the money I need to meet my obligations.

  4. I ALWAYS have the money I need to enjoy life.

  5. There IS enough. There IS enough. There is ALWAYS enough.

  6. My life IS what I make of it and I choose to make it an abundant place to be.

  7. My dream house is coming to me right now.