25 Weight Loss/Weight Management Affirmations for 2019

weight-loss-2036967_640Today I am posting some affirmations for weight management and weight loss. I want you to focus and listen to me right now. No matter how many times you've tried and failed to get to a better weight or a healthier body image, NOW IS YOUR TIME! It's going to take work and belief, but you can and you will reach your goals in 2019!Do it for those you love, but most of all do it for you because, damn it, you deserve this!You are is FAR more than a number on a scale. Reach for your health, not a number. Love yourself no matter what, but if you are working on losing some pounds, these affirmations will help.

  1. I live healthy! I weigh healthy! I am healthy!
  2. Today and everyday, I choose my long-term well being over satisfying a momentary craving.
  3. Who I am transcends a number on a scale! Today I focus on my health not my weight!
  4. Step by Step and rep by rep, I am creating the body I want!
  5. Today the scale is my friend. Day after day, it faithfully records success after success!
  6. Pound by pound, I am winning a great victory!
  7. My weight loss lives within me! My diet is just a tool to help me achieve my goals.
  8. My commitment to my goal weight is TOTAL! Today I AM achieving it.
  9.  I love and accept myself at my current weight, even as I march pound by pound to my goal weight.
  10. Food is simply nourishment. Today I receive all the comfort I need to from the beautiful people in my life.
  11. A fit, healthy person lives within me. Today that person emerges!
  12. Today I am one pound closer to my weight loss goal.
  13. Today nothing, and I mean NOTHING, stands between me and my goal weight!
  14. Step by step and rep by rep, the inches melt away!
  15. Today I see myself at my goal weight. I see the clothes I wear and the experiences I have. I hear the compliments I receive!
  16. As my self-confidence rises, the number on the scale drops!
  17. Today I make peace with food in my life and my healthy weight follows!
  18. When I look in the mirror, I see the healthy person I am becoming.
  19. Today I am shedding pounds as I shred my self-doubt!
  20. Today I am absolutely aligned with my goal weight. I'll be there before I know it!
  21.  The only plus size in my life today is my determination to live at a healthy weight!
  22.  My contributions to life measure my self-worth, not the scale!
  23. My commitment is NOT to a number on a scale! My commitment is to ME!
  24. Day by day, I am losing this weight and the people around me are taking notice.
  25. Choice by choice and step by step, I am attaining my goal weight!
  26. Today my life is about purpose NOT pounds! As my purpose grows, the pounds melt!

Be well. Be peaceful. Be prosperous.RayVisit The Affirmation Spot website for more motivation.