18 Christmas Affirmations

Thought for Today:

"Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time."

~Laura Ingalls Wilder

christmas-2971961_1280In the hustle and bustle that accompanies this time of the year, may you stop, breathe deeply, and ingest the spirit of the season. This is a season when light fills hearts and we recall that there is meaning and purpose in our lives. We experience the importance of the interior journey and how it connects us to and transforms the world around us. We remember that giving, without expectation, is the doorway to receiving beyond expectation. Mostly, though, we remember that hope conquers every doubt, illuminates every shadow, and heals every wound, if you are willing to let it work through you. Today a few affirmations to help you see the Christmas season with new eyes and new hearts.
  1. Today I spread the light of Christmas everywhere I go!
  2. I allow the joy of this season to fill my heart and propel me into a prosperous new year!
  3. Christmas is MY day! I plan to enjoy all it has to offer!
  4. I love peace on Earth and goodwill toward men and I practice it all year long!
  5. This year I'm focused on what Christmas means to me rather than what it means to the world.
  6. This year I refuse to allow guilt to ruin my Christmas experience!
  7. When I make Christmas about sharing rather than getting, I always feel better.
  8. Breathing in, I feel the love of Christmas. Breathing out, I embody the love of Christmas.
  9. This year I am absolutely committed to restoring the true meaning of Christmas in my life!
  10. The energy of Christmas is game-changing when I allow it to spread throughout my life.
  11. Today I feel the joy of the season. Today I feel the peace of the season. Today I feel the love of the season.
  12. Today I am breathing in the light and love of the season and sharing it with everyone I meet!
  13. I love the holiday season because the long lines teach me patience.
  14. Christmas is my chance to activate the power of giving in my life.
  15. My mind is filled with hope. My heart is filled with joy. It's Christmastime and anything is possible!
  16. Christmas is a new beginning and I am making the most of it!
  17. Breathing in, I experience the power of Christmas. Breathing out, I share the power of Christmas.
  18. Today the sights and sounds and smells of the season fill me with joy!

Stay inspired! Great things are on the way to you right now!
