Focus on Your Dreams Affirmation

Whew! That felt good! This is the first new affirmation I've recorded in more than three years. I've mentioned a couple of places that I'm in the process of revitalizing and expanding The Affirmation Spot platform. You're going to be seeing new content in new venues. One of my areas of focus will be video affirmations.

The video that accompanies the affirmation has a powerful message in its own right. I'd love to hear your comments below.

I hope you will find this affirmation recording useful and empowering when you're facing the voices and forces of negativity in your life. The affirmation is set to a spacey track that gains power as it progresses. That's offset by relaxing theta waves. The affirmation is read in the first and second-person for maximum effect.

The Affirmation reads:

  • I am immune to the negative voices and forces in my environment. I stay focused on my dreams.
  • You are immune to the negative forces in your environment. You stay focused on your dreams.

 [youtube] If you'd like to download a copy of the MP3, you can do so here.Stay inspired, my friends!Ray

Ray Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and co-founder of 6 Sense Media. He’s been writing, recording, and using affirmations for 30 years. He's also the author of Anunnaki Awakening. He advocates for the potential of the human race. He's life-long history buff and holds a B.S. in History Education.