Patience Affirmations

sun rising meditationIt's human nature to want tomorrow to be today and our dreams to manifest right now. We want fast and slow discourages us. Keep the faith! Today and fast does not always create the best result.Ralph Waldo Emerson counseled, "Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience."These are challenging words for our productivity-driven world of instant gratification. Yet, the wisdom is as sound as when the words were first written. Even more ancient encouragement along these lines comes from the Tao Te Ching. "Tao invariably does nothing, yet nothing is left undone."I am not saying we abandon your push to your dreams. Only that in certain parts of our journey patience is a valuable ally. Rush can create error and unhappiness. It can stress out and burn us out. Sometimes, wisdom calls for us to be patient like river wearing away the rock.Here are some affirmations to help. Some will resonate with you, others won't. Take what you need.

  1. With patience and an empowered mindset, even my wrong turns can lead to right roads!
  2. This stream flows to my dreams. Today I am content to be the leaf gently floating down the stream.
  3. I am ready for today to be the day, but I'm with my dreams for the long haul.
  4. Today's patience pays tomorrow's dividends.
  5. When pushing is wisdom, I push. When waiting is wisdom, I wait.
  6. My long-term dreams are bigger than my short-term needs.
  7. Breathing in, I accept nature's pace. Breathing out, I see my dreams manifesting in the journey.
  8. I am strong enough to be patient.
  9. I accept what is, even as I work to change it.
  10.  My WHAT is more important than my WHEN!
  11. Today's disappointments are the fertilizer for tomorrow's achievements.

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.RayIf you enjoyed this post, please visit our website and our YouTube channel for more motivational content.