Planting Mindful Seeds

Ray originally wrote this article for in 2007.path_in_the_woodsThere is a famous saying, "You can count the seeds in an apple, but you can't count the apples in a seed." Big things often have small beginnings.Each day is a new opportunity and anything is always possible. Each day we are planting seeds in the orchard of our future. We choose whether we do it mindfully or mindlessly. If we act with wisdom, one day we will wake to find ourselves in an orchard of sweet ripe apples. If we proceed mindlessly, we may find ourselves in an orchard full of sour apples or worse a dead field. The choice is ours with each seed we plant.The human beings now inhabiting this planet have planted many mindless seeds. The only way out of the current situation is to take today as a new day and begin planting the seeds of the future more mindfully.Simplistic? No, simple. Naive? Naiveté is the habit of hopelessly believing in the impossible. A different world is possible if we begin tending to our orchards more thoughtfully. We arrived where we are through our choices and we can achieve something far greater if that is our choice. Compared to what we have now, how can it be anything but the first step in the right direction?It is time for evolved people everywhere to step to the fore and move a sane and peaceful process forward where peace and not hatred is the primary crop. Some argue that peace is not possible in this world. To them, I can only say that as long as their view predominates; they will be correct. However, the moment humans are ready to accept the possibility of a peaceful world, it will become our reality.Stay in your truth!RayRay Davis is the founder of The Affirmation Spot. He's been studying and practicing personal development for 30 years. He's also studied many of the world's spiritual traditions and mythologies.Find more TAS motivational content.Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter
