Hatred is a Poison

Child watching the fireHatred is a poison.It eventually destroys both the person who feels it as well as the target of his hatred. The evidence for this in human history as whole, and your particular dispute, is so apparent and obvious that this very simple truth has been lost in your anger.You cannot kill enough of "them" or fuel your actions with enough hatred and anger to solve your problems. Love and peace is the only path to solution...this, as the Buddha, pointed out, is a universal truth. Never, anywhere, has hatred and violence resolved humandifferences. Look at the headlines. Look at your own experiences.Has all the killing caused any among you to be less determined to kill more of "them"? Has all the killing created the peace and security you both crave? Or, has it just raised the bar of how willing you are to keep killing "them"?It matters not how many people in the human species still believe that killing and hatred will create the world we want; ALL people who think this are WRONG!Whether president or pauper, Jew, Muslim, Christian, rich, poor, male, or female believes it; the belief and all its premises are FALSE. As long as your desire is to kill "them", their desire to kill you will remain strong. The way out is simple, but takes more work and courage than picking up another stone or firing another tank shell.I wonder if any among you have that kind of courage?RayDo you have a playlist you use to get fired up? Try adding affirmations to it. Your thoughts become your life. Think empowered thoughts.