I Am One with Nature Affirmation (Video & MP3 Download)

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Do you ever have that feeling that you just want to be one with nature? Why not visualize that concept and use affirmations help to help you experience it.

These affirmations help you get back in touch with nature and reconnect with yourself. The video includes beautiful nature footage and haunting Native American flute music.

The Affirmations:

  1. I am one with nature.

  2. I am at peace with nature.

  3. Nature recharges my battery.

  4. Nature puts me back in touch with myself.

  5. Nature makes me feel good.

  6. Nature revitalizes my spirit.

  7. I am one with nature.

Download the MP3

Download an MP3 of this recording to add to your personal playlist.

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.
