10 Compassion Affirmations

I discovered this wonderful video on YouTube about compassion. The message of universal compassion is one that needs to be heard and heeded in our modern world. What a great way to say it![youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wktlwCPDd94]Compassion Affirmations

  1. Today and every day, I am the very embodiment of compassion!
  2. My world is what I make of it and I CHOOSE to make it a compassionate place to be!
  3. I am the very embodiment of love and compassion in all my interactions with others.
  4. Today and every day, I am a part of solving the compassion deficit in my world!
  5. Today I care for the Earth by caring for my fellow human beings and expanding compassion on our planet.
  6. I believe wholeheartedly that I am part of the solution in my life and in my world.
  7. The world needs my compassion! Today and every day, I make a difference!
  8. Compassion’s ROI is measured not on bottom lines, but from the bottom of our hearts.
  9. Today I honor, expand, and share the compassion that lives within me!
  10. Compassion is a force of nature that transforms everyone it touches.

Compassion is always in fashion!Ray Davis is the founder of The Affirmation Spot. He's spent more than 25 years studying personal development and especially writing, recording, and using affirmations to achieve his goals. His eBook - The Power to Be You - offers 416 life-changing and original quotes, ideas, and affirmations to take you to new levels of achievement and reflection.anunnaki_cover_full_colorAnunnaki Awakening: Revelation, Ray's first novel,  is turning heads and opening minds. Humanity's past is checkered, secret, and dangerous.White House Correspondent Maria Love is on to the story of her life and with the help of an Anunnaki leader seeks to unravel and reveal history's biggest conspiracy. The Awakening has begun!