How To Turn Negative Emotions Into Your Greatest Advantage

Nicely written article - I enjoyed it. So, here is where this discussion gets people confused. There are people out there who say avoid every negative thought or emotion. That, clearly, is not healthy. The wise teachers and thinkers in the positive thinking movement advocate precisely what this article proposes - turning negativity into something positive.

The overwhelming problem in our negatively-oriented society is that people don't do that. They dwell and wallow on the negative and they never get out. Worse, this is often conditioning they picked up from watching the people around them - adults when they were children - react negatively to the world.

The goal of positive thinking is not to avoid or pretend negative feelings and thoughts don't happen. It is shake people lose from their negative thinking/feeling conditioned patterns so that they can see that the possibility to transmute them into something productive even exists.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
