How Much Would Angry Birds Have Been Worth to You?

Today's Thought:The power of one idea can burn down a forest of doubts.

angry_birdsLet me ask you a question. Do you remember when Angry Birds was the hot, hot, hottest new game out there? You probably sat down and played it for a while, thinking this is stupid. Two hours later you were on Level 18 and it was deadly serious. How many people did you tell about Angry Birds? You probably told the people who saw you playing it on your phone. You probably told your family and friends. You may have posted about it once or twice on Facebook, Twitter, or another social networking site.That was pretty cool, but it didn't stop there. The people you told also told people. They shared it with friends, on Twitter, and on Facebook. And their friends told get the picture. The next thing you know the guy who started Angry Birds is inking deals with huge companies for billion dollar rights to use Angry Birds on all kinds of products. The founder of Angry Birds had a larger, more dedicated sales force than any Fortune 500 company. Who? You and all your friends.You created a social and cultural phenomenon and the company took your work to the bank and cashed the check. It's not a bad thing. It's very smart business. That kind of network-driven, word-to-word marketing works every day for social networking sites, apps, games, movies, books, and, heck, even hammers.What if there was a way for you to get paid for "the Ripple" you created in the giant pond that is the global marketplace? When you started your Angry Bird Ripple, it probably spread around the planet. What if you could see how your influence impacts purchase decisions and you could get compensated each time? I mean, why shouldn't you get a piece of the pie that Angry Birds, Facebook, and other companies have been creating with your help?That's what Rippln is all about. During the prelaunch phase, access to information about this new platform and movement is by invite only. Click the following link and I will send you an invite to get you