Power Affirmations for All Areas of Life

Thursday greetings, my friends. Here are today's affirmations. Have a fantastic day!

  1. Success Affirmation: I mobilize success! I multiply success! I magnify success!
  2. Wealth Affirmation: I am the heir to an abundant Universe and today I claim my inheritance!
  3. Health Affirmation: Breathing in, I feel healthy. Breathing out, I am healthy!
  4. Love Affirmation: I expect love! I experience love! I embrace love!
  5. Peace Affirmation: Today I am the epicenter for a pandemic of peace in my world.

Stay inspired! You are the engine of your dreams!RayRay Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot. Join Ray's Free Member Newsletter.Thanks for sharing this page with a friend!
