"The Vision Thing"

Today's Affirmation:

I am a visionary. I see things well ahead of the pack!"

"The vision thing" was a phrase that became popular in political circles in 1987. During an interview with Time Magazine, Vice-president George H.W. Bush answered questions about his inability to clearly articulate his policy positions with a frustrated, "Oh, that vision thing."

Having a vision is important. It's important in clarifying our goals and in attracting the help other people in achieving them. People gravitate to people of vision, largely because many of us go through life without one.

Do you have one?

President John F. Kennedy was someone who, in his best moments, could lay out a vision like few other leaders in our history. In 1962, he gave a speech at Rice University (excerpt below) in which he committed The United States to landing a man on the moon before 1960s were over. When he laid out this vision, much of the needed science was more science fiction than science. Yet, Kennedy's vision and powerful articulation of it galvanized a nation and the kept the vision on track even after his untimely assassination.

What is your vision? It doesn't have to be as grandiose as going to the moon. It can be as modest or as grand as you wish. Just have one and be ready and able to articulate it when the winds of opportunity come knocking.


Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.Ray Davis is the founder of The Affirmation Spot. He's spent more than 25 years studying personal development and especially writing, recording, and using affirmations to achieve his goals. His eBook - The Power to Be You - offers 416 life-changing and original quotes, ideas, and affirmations to take you to new levels of achievement and reflection.anunnaki_cover_full_colorAnunnaki Awakening: Revelation, Ray's first novel,  is turning heads and opening minds. Humanity's past is checkered, secret, and dangerous.White House Correspondent Maria Love is on to the story of her life and with the help of an Anunnaki leader seeks to unravel and reveal history's biggest conspiracy. The Awakening has begun!Is it fact or is it fiction? You decide!