Show Respect in the Coming Debates over Sandy Hook Tragedy

The tribe says pick a side. The wise say been there done that.

In the wake of the tragedy at Sandy Hook School, we are not all going to agree on the causes nor the solutions. One can already hear the war drums as the tribes begin to formulate proposals and turn up the rhetoric.

John F. Kennedy once said:

If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.

As we tackle these difficult questions, let us remain respectful.

There has been a lot of talk this week about reducing evil in the world. One way we can all contribute significantly is not to make those who disagree with us evil. Let us work for the best solutions for all and remember that the tone of our civil discourse is at least a contributor to our society's issues. When we pick up an insult and hurl it or engage in personal attack we are taking a step down the road of the violence that plagues us.

We are better than that. Let us prove it in the coming debate.

Stay inspired!
