Sun Beams in the Oregon Forest

Today's Affirmation

 I am one with the forest. Being among the trees, I am completely grounded. Being with the trees, I am reminded to reach for the sky.

Few things are as affirming and restoring as a little time in nature. I have always had an affinity for the great forests of the Pacific least from afar. They have always been a place of mystical magic to me. Where I'm from in Kansas, a forest is three trees clumped together. But in Oregon, they have real forests and real magic.

My wife and I visited Oregon last fall with some friends. We were fortunate enough to capture some magic moments of sunbeams filtering through the trees in the morning. I've put these photographs together in a video collage.

May it affirm and restore you today.


Follow your bliss! Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.
