Love Is... A Collaborative Blog - The Affirmation Spot for Sunday June 24, 2012

Love is many things to many people. This week I've been asking my Twitter followers to finish the sentence Love is... Your responses  were witty, wise, fun, and insightful. Normally, I create the content for my blog, but this time YOU did. Thank you to each one of you for participating.Here is the amazing wisdom you contributed. I have linked to each person's Twitter profile. If you're on Twitter, please show them some love by following. It these words spark a Love is... in you, tweet me at @affirmationspot and I will add yours.

  1. @Breezy2345 Love is patient.
  2. @Brooktini84 Love is needed.
  3. @Brooktini84 Love is what keeps people going.
  4. @Brooktini84 Love is what makes the world turn.
  5. @Brooktini84 Love is your best friend and your worst enemy.
  6. @Brooktini84 Love is undefined.
  7. @Brooktini84 Love is a way of life.
  8. @Brooktini84 Love is what I hold in my heart.
  9. @Brooktini84 Love is what makes me who I am today.
  10. @Brooktini84 Love is timeless.
  11. @AwesomeYoga Love is knowing YOU ARE the creative life force energy of the universe.
  12. @PapaSmurf1456 Love is a determined, naive and powerful thing, hell-bent on its manifestation and right to Be; however justified or NOT.
  13.  @BDelagraentiss Love is the definition of God.
  14. @jim7226 Love is EVERYTHING.
  15. @NikiChiLicious Love is in action.
  16. @NikiChiLicious Love is as love does.
  17. @MbalenhleSishi Love is joy!
  18. @MbalenhleSishi Love is joy in your heart!
  19. @aLUVleigh123 Love is all you need.
  20. @aLUVleigh123 Love is. It just is.
  21. @aLUVleigh123 Love is something we are.
  22. @Lebo_Molabe Love is when you're having inner joy and peace.
  23. @Lebo_Molabe Love is when it's fulfilling to be every woman to your man.
  24. @cpaul2011 Love is like peeing your pants. Everyone sees it but only you can feel it!
  25. @Ms_Polished Love is the absorption of silence.
  26. @Ms_Polished Love is acknowledging that everyone has love within.
  27. @Ms_Polished Love is wanting to understand the other person, and making every effort to do so.
  28. @Ms_Polished Love is intense, deep listening, finding compassion, and being empathetic to other person/party.
  29. @b3lla_h0ney Love is more than an emotion, it is a decision, a habit practiced daily.
  30. @kissalex Love is everywhere!
  31. @kissalex Love is the only thing that's real.
  32. @chuckdurfee Love is a gourmet meal made by your beloved.
  33. @lannie91 Love is inspiring and should be unconditional.
  34. @GiamHamm Love is elusive.
  35. @sowmya Love is knowing your own limitations, being vulnerable and trusting someone enough to let them be a part of it.
  36. @MyMariaMore Love is "the solution".
  37. @iyaelsorai Love is healing. Love is courageous.
  38. @aanchall Love is beautiful.
  39. @Tefae Love is sweet, loyal, real, happy, committed, and beautiful.
  40. @Tefae Love is I'm dying to me to take care of you.
  41. @DustyStarks Love is YOU
  42. @ashleySHOOTS Love is the melody of mind and spirit, dancing to the beat of the heart.
  43. @kansas_patrick Love is all we need.
  44. @WriteReason Love is euphoric!
  45. @Nena_Mia_ Love is pure power.
  46. @Nena_Mia_ Love is more than a feeling, It’s an act.. Kindness, Compassion, understanding, Patience, Respect, etc.
  47. @jayQu_deMI Love is blind and it'll take ova ya mind.
  48. @embracingchoice Love is acceptance of another's soul even when we don't agree with their behavior. ~Susanne
  49. @TR401 Love is hope at its best and truth at its worst.
  50. @TheJosieN Love is You.
  51. @Nelsok89 Love is, therefore I am.
  52. @zfree Love is our very nature.
  53. @bhanks Love is. Simply is.
  54. @IPhilSoChi Love is trust.
  55. @Zaraah79 Love is Life X.
  56. @BodyloveRocks Love is the reason I am here …. Love is in my breath in every cell of my being and the most healing power EVER! x
  57. @ParadoxalChris Love is accepting someone for who they truly are, standing by them thru whatever come your way, & forgiving them always!
  58. @KellyAMeerbott Love is the answer to every question. Love is my husband.
  59. @Tefae  Love is generous, gentle, happy, forgiving, forever, passionate, connections, sensitive, fun, exciting, wonderful, peaceful, and loving.
  60. @cpnj Love is unconditional.
  61. @MsV247 Love is necessary.
  62. @livelovealoha Love is everything.
  63. @CleanSheetUK Love is giving and serving. Nurturing and supporting. Practical compassion.

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.Ray Davis is the founder of The Affirmation Spot. He's spent more than 25 years studying personal development and especially writing, recording, and using affirmations to achieve his goals. His eBook - The Power to Be You - offers 416 life-changing and original quotes, ideas, and affirmations to take you to new levels of achievement and reflection.anunnaki_cover_full_colorAnunnaki Awakening: Revelation, Ray's first novel,  is turning heads and opening minds. Humanity's past is checkered, secret, and dangerous.White House Correspondent Maria Love is on to the story of her life and with the help of an Anunnaki leader seeks to unravel and reveal history's biggest conspiracy. The Awakening has begun!