28 Belief Affirmations and Original Quotes

Today's Thought:

"What belief can achieve is beyond belief."

~ Ray Davis

Belief is a big word with many possible connotations. There is belief in God or a higher power. There is belief in certain principles. There is belief in yourself.

I have found in my life that no other belief really works for you until you do believe in yourself. No belief system is a substitute for believing in yourself. Every belief system works better for you when you DO believe in yourself.Neither God nor government nor science nor education can help someone who does not believe in himself. These affirmations and original quotes are written to reinforce your belief in yourself by reminding you that there are mighty forces moving on your behalf. And, to remind you that you have the power, indeed the obligation, to consciously choose your beliefs.

  1. I am ready, willing, and able to take my life to the next level! Today I DO!
  2. The fire ignited by one moment of belief can burn down a forest of doubts.
  3. Today I conceive. Today I believe. Today I achieve.
  4. Every event, every relationship, every circumstance in my life is working for my benefit.
  5. A better me, a better life lies just on the other side of my belief in it.
  6. Every unquestioned, untested belief in your mind is result of someone's conditioning you. Resolve to think for yourself.
  7. Others can count me out, but my belief is the only thing that counts!
  8. WHATEVER I need ALWAYS comes my way.
  9. I AM capable of great thoughts and great actions that transform my life and make a difference to the world.
  10. It's not the mountain I conquer, but myself. I'm reaching for the top of the mountain and my day in the Sun is here!
  11. Once we question and confirm our beliefs, they treasures to guide us for a lifetime.
  12. Today my whisper becomes a shout! I CAN! I CAN! AND I AM!
  13. Until we stop and consciously choose our beliefs, we are simply livingsomeone else's version of life.
  14. The force that ignited the Universe and breathed life into it lives within me right now.
  15. The doors that I need to open always open for me. Today is my day!
  16. We are not inadequate by nature. We are inadequate by conditioning. Conditioning can be changed.
  17. Today I am sharing my talents with a world thirsty for what I have to offer.
  18. Good things are happening for me. My life is moving in positive directions.
  19. My success and happiness are belief-driven, not event-driven!
  20. As my trust and belief grow, the miracles multiply in my life!
  21. Until I question my beliefs, they are just someone else's programming. Today I consciously choose my beliefs.
  22. Whoever is shaping your beliefs, is shaping your destiny.
  23. I shape my beliefs and I shape my destiny!
  24. Conditioning is when you believe because others have said it's so. Empowerment is when you believe based on your experience.
  25. My experiences drive my beliefs and I consciously choose the beliefs that make sense for me!
  26. There is no dream too big to dream only a mind too doubting to believe. Keep your dreams big and your thinking bigger.
  27. To believe you've seen it all before, is to blind yourself to new opportunity.
  28. You can choose to believe or not believe. Either way, you get the life that flows from that decision.
  29. Believe your world is one way and it is. Believe it is another way and it is.

Stay inspired! You are the engine of your dreams!RayRay Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams.He is the author of the Anunnaki Awakening series (2015). Book 1 - Revelation - is now available in paperback and on Kindle. This trilogy takes Ancient Aliens out of the past and into the present. An interstellar, interdimensional journey ensues with humanity's future hanging in the balance.