Million Dollar Affirmation

Today's affirmation:

Million dollar ideas are as common as blades of grass. My million dollar idea is coming to me today.

money-1428594_640 (1)You know, it's true million dollar ideas are everywhere. Many of them have come to you over time, but you didn't act. Then you watched someone else make it big with your idea.

This affirmation reminds you that these ideas are not a finite commodity and that you have them all the time.

There are four steps to turning your million dollar ideas into a reality.

  1. Manifest the ideas. That's the easy part. You probably have 20-100 ideas with potential every day depending on how much thought you give to things. You just have to learn not to dismiss the ideas when they come to you. Write them down when they come to you and review them at the end of the day.
  2. Match your abilities and aptitudes to your ideas. Some ideas are million dollar ideas, but not for you. While others, are right in your sweet spot. Become aware of your abilities, skills, and interests. When an idea comes along that really fits move directly to Step 3.
  3. Take action. The best combination of ideas and abilities cannot yield dividends until you act and act with commitment.
  4. Create a burning desire to reach your goal and focus your mind and your thinking on its achievement.

Use the affirmation first thing in the morning to get your mind moving in the direction of manifesting the ideas that will take you to your dreams.Follow your bliss! Achieve your bliss! Become your bliss!RayThanks for reading this blog. For motivational content, visit the TAS website or YouTube channel.