A Greater Consciousness Arising

Today's Affirmation

Life Affirmation: Today I contribute my unique and irreplaceable spark to the great bonfire of life.

Today's entry is a multi-paragraph affirmation that captures the essence of a dream I had several years ago. May it inspire hope and remembrance in all who read it today. Remembrance that the world we live in is a choice not a prison sentence. We can have a world rooted in peace and driven by the potential extant in each of us, if that is world we expect and demand.

If we continue accept less, then that is the reality we will continue to experience.

This affirmation calls on us to expect more of ourselves, each other, and our leaders. It reminds us that a new and better day is right here ready for us to awaken to it. Some have. Some are. Some will. Some are fighting to hold on to the old world. Which are you?

THANK YOU for your support of this blog. Will you please do me a favor and share it with a couple friends? Have an AWESOME day!

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.
