You're Amazing. Deal with It!

Today's Affirmation:I came to the planet to be a great being of light. Today I shine like never before!This is a short and sweet post today. Just in case you forgot. You are amazing! Deal with it! You needed to hear it. So does someone in your life. Go and call them, email them, tweet them or post this on their Facebook wall right now. Never miss the opportunity to tell someone who matters how much they matter and how special they are. Be free! Be inspired! Follow your bliss!RayRay is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams. He is author of the ebook The Power to Be You: Game-Changing Posidigms for Daily Life. and the forthcoming The Power to Be You 2.Thanks for sharing this page with a friend!Digg itdel.icio.usBlogmarksEmailFacebookGive a LinkGmailGoogleLinked inMySpaceNewsvineStumbleuponTechnoratiTwitterWebnewsYahoo! My WebYahoo BuzzYouTube
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