According to My Tweeps, Success Is...

Today's Thought: Success is the natural outcome of me being me.Good evening, everyone. Success is a topic we are all interested in. While there are as many definitions of success as there are people, we all want to feel that we are successful in what we do. Today I asked my amazing community of Twitter followers to complete the sentence Success is...Here are their wonderful responses. A HUGE thank you to my wonderful community of Twitter followers who always come through! Links to each of their Twitter profiles are provided, if you'd like to follow any of these amazing human beings.You're all awesome! So deal with it! Ray

  • @devany91:  Success is seeing someone you love happy.
  • @norrman87: Success is challenging the status quo.
  • @MiAmorBella: Success is yours when you choose to take responsibility for making it so.
  • @KarenJanos: Success is confronting a fear and conquering it.
  • @SusanLowry2: Success is meeting a goal you secretly thought you could never accomplish.
  • @larryczerwonka: Success is anything that puts a smile on your heart.
  • @ChurchofThomas: Success is Service.
  • @carmelbeautee: Success is belief in yourself, the project at hand, hard work, perseverance, and excitement.
  • @joytleen: Success is being peaceful and grateful with all you have and all you are.
  • @OswaldObreg: Success is peace in you.
  • @rohinkallat: Success is the path, not the goal.
  • @ATM25: Success is not measured by worldly riches, instead by the indelible positive impressions you leave in the lives of ppl you come into contact with.
  • @chilisweet: Success is when you're content.
  • @ETRFoundation: Success is impact. In yourself or others.
  • @Dianae173: Success is being happy where you are while moving towards your goals.
  • @kickofftopic: Success is feeling good about your accomplishments, even the tiniest ones.

Love to hear yours as well. Leave a comment with your definition.

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