Watching the Wheels - The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday December 8, 2010

Thought of the Day:"He was a man, take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like again." ~ William Shakespeare It's hard to believe it's been 30 years tonight since John Lennon was gunned down on a NYC street. Here was a man of peace. Here was a man who questioned the status quo. Here was a man lived according to the dictates of his heart in a way that should inspire everyone.He was a musician and a great one, but to many in a generation he was far more than that. He was the voice and the conscience of a dialogue that continues today. Will we live in a world of peace or a world of fear and violence? Will we live in transparent societies that work for the benefit of the people or will we live in societies ruled by an elite eager to hides its secrets from the people."Watching the Wheels" was the third single released from his and wife Yoko Ono's album Double Fantasy. The song was released about three months after his death and the video featured home video Lennon and his family. Here is a great song by a man who inspired many including me.Stay inspired!Ray[youtube=]