THE Self-Empowerment Affirmation


This was my personal annual affirmation back in 2008. After sharing it with a few people back then, I was encouraged that it would benefit other people. I came across it again last night and decided it was time to share it again. May it add positive energy to your day, your year, and your life!

THE Self-Empowerment Affirmation

Who I am is not for sale at any price! I am brilliant and beautiful and a best friend to everyone who knows me. I am peaceful and happy and more successful than ever before. I am relaxed and confident and trading in my old fears on new hopes. This is a wonderful time in your life; a time of breakthrough, options, and opportunities for new paths to follow. Be excited and ready for the challenges and the triumphs that lie ahead. “No, my self-worth, my happiness, my freedom, my unbounded optimism about what is ahead is not for sale at any price!

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.



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