The Symbolic Mind - The Affirmation Spot for Tuesday August 10, 2010

Today's Affirmation:My world is what I MAKE of it and today I CHOOSE to make it a beautiful place to be.I find everything related to our minds fascinating. There are three vast unexplored frontiers in our world - the ocean floor, deep space, and the space between our ears. That third one just may be the most vast and amazing of all.On the way home this afternoon, I heard a very interesting story on NPR's afternoon news and information program All Things Considered.Reporter Alix Spiegel did an amazing piece called "When Did We Become Mentally Modern". The story talks about the importance of symbolic thinking in the way we conceptualize the world.Listen to the StoryWhen you think about it this concept of symbolic thinking is very important describing and understanding our mental states. Often thoughts, ideas, and feelings appear in our minds as imagery in symbolic form. Those images and the stories we tell ourselves in support of them are critical to our mental well-being. The story provides plenty for you to consider as you learn to pay attention to your symbolic thinking.Stay inspired!RayAdd to DeliciousAdd to DiggAdd to FaceBookAdd to Google BookmarkAdd to RedditAdd to StumbleUponAdd to TechnoratiAdd to Twitter