21 Self-Esteem Affirmations - The Affirmation Spot for Tuesday July 13, 2010

Few things in life are as important as feeling good about yourself. In fact, it could be argued that it is the very foundation of happiness and success. Today I am sharing some of the self-esteem affirmations I've written for people over time.Have an awesome day and stay inspired!Ray


  1. My beauty flows from inside to out. As I recognize my inner beauty, my outer beauty blossoms!
  2. I am a being of immense power and majesty!
  3. To see the beauty I want to see in the world, I must first see it in me. Today I see it clearly!
  4. Those-told me I was unworthy were wrong. I AM worthy. More sure of it today than ever before.
  5. I unconditionally love and respect myself in every way.
  6. I am the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am glad to be who I am!
  7. Today I make a bold statement. The world deserves the real me and today it gets me.
  8. Being who I am is a blessing and a rush. There's no one else I'd rather be!
  9. I am a unique and worthy person. I require no more justification than that to be exactly who I am.
  10. I was taught to be less than. Today I claim my power!
  11. I am beautiful in mind. I am beautiful in body. I am beautiful in spirit.
  12. I refuse to settle for less than I deserve in my relationships. I deserve the best!
  13. The more I love and appreciate myself, the more beautiful I become.
  14. Being me is a sacred honor and today I treat it that way!
  15. Today I am freeing myself from the opinions of others and empowering me to me!
  16. Today I am just me; no masks and no excuses. Simply me!
  17. As sure as the river runs to the sea, I am becoming the ideal me!
  18. Awesome things happen for me when I keep my promises to myself and today I do!
  19. I may not be perfect, but I have ALWAYS been awesome!
  20. I was taught I can't, but today I KNOW I CAN!
  21. Today and every day, I am a miracle in motion!