What Are You Waiting For? - The Affirmation Spot for Friday June 25, 2010

Today's Thought:Sometimes being happy means forgiving what you can, forgetting what you must, and seeing beauty in all.What are you waiting for? Tomorrow the perfect time? What are you saving best for? The perfect person or situation? Many of us live the days of our lives as though there is an endless supply of them. Only late in the game, do we realize that there is an end to this form and our opportunity to experience it.A couple of years ago John Mayer released a song titled "Say" that was featured in the movie The Bucket List. The movie, if you haven't seen it, stars Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman as two aging, sick men who come from very different worlds, but make a connection during an unplanned sharing of a hospital room.Nicholson's character is a wealthy man and decides to take his new friend on a tour of the world to market things off their "bucket lists".Mayer - at his absolute best here - articulates the idea of grabbing this moment right now and living the life we choose in his song. Enjoy.Stay inspired!Ray[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tX4jBL29aic]