Say Absolutely! - The Affirmation Spot for Tuesday April 27, 2010

Today's Thought:"When failure becomes your teacher, success becomes your future."~ Ray DavisHave you ever noticed the power that words have to transform people and situations? Years ago I was teasing someone at work by saying "absolutely" to every thing she said. For some reason, it put me in the habit of saying "absolutely" to things in life.When someone would ask me a question, rather than saying yes or sure, I got in the habit of responding, "absolutely"! I became aware that my own sense of resoluteness and confidence was buoyed by saying the word. I also noticed that other people seemed to respond well to someone saying, "absolutely".People would comment that someone saying that word so enthusiatically was refreshing and inspiring. So, I kept doing it. Today I answer absolutely practically and metaphorically in life. I've found the word has a power and surety about it that people seem to want to experience.So, here is my challenge to you. When someone asks you to do something tomorrow say enthusiastically, "absolutely"! Amid the gray, unenthusiastic responses they experience all day, your "absolutely" will stand out.Do I guarantee it? Absolutely!Stay inspired!Ray