Affirmation is a Verb - The Affirmation Spot for Monday April 12, 2010

Today's Thought:“Thought is the blossom; language the bud; action the fruit behind it” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Good morning and a wonderful Monday to everyone!This morning I want to talk about affirmations as verbs. We all know from elementary school that verbs are "action words".In fact, the root word of affirmation is the verb affirm. The first definition for affirm at is "to declare positively or firmly; maintain to be true."Most people know this definition, but they think it is the entire definition for the word affirmation.They are forgetting the 'ation' part of the word. This suffix is Greek and it means, "action, process, or state of being."So, when we put the two parts of the word together we get:To declare positively or firmly + to put the declaration into action or process so that it becomes a state of being.This is where many people fall down or fail to understand the power of affirmations. They think it is just empty thoughts or words that don't impact reality. Well, the thoughts and the words are not empty either, but I'll save that for another post.The fact is you really don't have a true affirmation until your hands and your feet join your mind and your lips in action. True affirmations are the thoughts and words AND the actions that support those thoughts and words - they are verbs full of action.The way the process works is that the positive thoughts and words encourage the action. As the action begins, obstacles are faced and the thoughts and words, when maintained, come to the aid and support of the action in overcoming the obstacles. By the end of the process, the thoughts, words, and actions are feeding on each other and producing the desired results.That is a true affirmation put into practice. Not only thoughts or words, but thoughts, words, and actions working in concert to achieve goals and dreams!Stay inspired and have an awesome Monday!Ray