Whatever I Need Always Comes My Way - The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday March 24, 2010

Today's Affirmation: "Whatever I need comes my way." (hear this affirmation)

During a very difficult part of my life, I used to say this one about 100 times a day. I also used to listen to it when I went to bed at night. I found this thought very effective at responding to the negative thoughts that ruled my life at that time.It's a simple affirmation, but contained in it is world of faith, hope, and awareness.

  • Faith: The affirmation communicates faith in its implicit understanding that everything happens for a reason. I know that assertion has almost become trite conventional wisdom. Nonetheless, even science acknowledges discernable patterns in the universe. The Earth does not suddenly begin orbiting the Moon. The ocean tides do not flow in reverse. There is a certain perfection to things. Are our lives an exception? Hardly. When you look back at your life you see that so many things that did not seem to make sense in a moment made perfect sense given perspective. There seems to be a kind of plan to things. You can have faith that the new things coming into your life will also fit into that plan and provide you new opportunities to grow and expand.

  • Hope: The affirmation communicates hope in that it reminds you that there is a flow to things. You are not stuck where we are. New things are coming to you all the time. The universe and your life are in motion constantly. When you get stressed or depressed it is often because you create solidity to a momentary setback. It feels permanent, but it is not. Every day brings new possibilities. "Whatever" is an open book and reminds you that anything is possible.

  • Awareness: The affirmation communicates awareness. Notice it says "whatever I need" not "whatever I want". The concept here is that there is a certain intelligence or wisdom in the events, people, and things that come your way in life. There are no accidents. Because that is so, you can be confident that you have the wherewithall to handle these things. You really can take lemons and make lemonade. You can handle setbacks and move forward to new levels of achievement.

Stay inspired!Ray