23 Leadership Affirmations


Today's Thought

The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.
~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

In life, we may not all be leaders in business or social settings. However, there is one place we should always lead - our lives. We have to be willing to step up and take what Buddhist monk Jack Kornfield has described as "The One Seat".That's the place where we are sovereign in our life; making our own decisions and taking responsibility for our outcomes. Today I am posting affirmations and original quotes to awaken the leader within.

  1. There is a great leader within me. Today I am embodying leadership in all I say and do!

  2. Self-Leadership is the best leadership. Today I boldly take the lead in my life!

  3. Today my inner leader emerges in my life.

  4. My company needs leaders and I am ready, willing, and able to step up!

  5. Our planet needs leaders and I am ready, willing, and able to step up!

  6. I am a great leader! I am a great leader! I am a great leader and I get better and better each and every day!

  7. Whenever I take the lead amazing things happen!

  8. The world in which we follow a leader and hope for the best must be replaced by a world where we lead ourselves.

  9. I am a leader not a follower. Today I AM the leader I always knew I could be!

  10. Love will become the answer when we refuse to allow leaders lead through fear. We must recognize fear-based leadership and reject it.

  11. Every leader was once a follower or a wannabe who showed up and stepped up.

  12. If my vision of the world is to succeed, I must lead. Today I am the leader I always knew I could be!

  13. Leadership is sometimes just a matter of being the one to fill the idea vacuum.

  14. Today I am the leader I came here to be!

  15. A great leader lives within me. Today that leader steps up and takes charge!

  16. I am a decisive leader. I weigh all available information and make the call without regrets.

  17. I lead through my thoughts! I lead through my words! I lead through my actions!

  18. I am a business visionary. I am always setting the trends that others follow in my niche!

  19. Today I stand up, Today I stand out, Today I stand strong!

  20. A leader must have the courage to act against an expert's advice.

  21. When fear is the leader I refuse to follow. Love is my leader!

  22. A leader may inspire, but I believe in me. I never substitute belief in myself for belief in any leader.

  23. I know when to learn, when to listen, and when to lead. I am a great leader!

Follow your bliss! Experience your bliss! Become your bliss!



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