What Would You Say? - The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday March 3, 2010

Today's Affirmation:I CAN! YOU CAN! WE CAN!A good friend comes to you. He is going through a bad stretch at work. He shares some doubt in his ability and in his career choice. He says he feels drawn to another career, but he is afraid to take the risk. He wants someone to tell him he's not crazy to pursue his dream.What would you say? You're a great friend. You'd probably have some insightful advice. Maybe you'd reassure him that he is capable of succeeding in his current career and that things will improve. Maybe you'd encourage him to do what is necessary to pursue that dream.What wouldn't you say? You wouldn't tell your friend he's a loser. You wouldn't tell your friend he should get real, buck it up and get over it.Your daughter comes to you and expresses doubt that she will ever find the right man for her. Her confidence is shaken by a recent relationship. She is really down on herself. She wonders out loud if anyone will ever want to be with her.What would you say? You're a great parent. You'd probably remind your daughter of all the great qualities she possesses. You'd tell her there are a lot of great guys out there and she will find the one who is right for her.What wouldn't you say? You wouldn't tell your daughter that she'll never find a man. You wouldn't point out every her every flaw. You wouldn't say things to further damage her confidence.Yes, you're a great friend and a great parent. You'd support your friend. You'd support your daughter.Why would you do less for yourself?You're great a giving good advice and showing support for others. Be willing to do the same for yourself! Take your own advice. Give yourself the support you deserve with your self-talk. Give the beat yourself up routine a rest. Others in your life benefit from your wisdom, compassion, and love. Don't deny it to yourself.Stay inspired!Ray2010 Affirmation"2010 is MY year! This is my year to break free! This is my year to break through! This is my year to break out!"