Dr. Barbara Fredrickson on Positivity - The Affirmation Spot for Tuesday February 23, 2010

Today's Affirmation:Today my expectations are high and my experience rises to meet those expectations.I think it is so important for people to understand that the transformative power of positive thinking and positive emotions are more than just anecdotal experiences had by a few of us. Many in the scientific and psychological communities are working very hard to put scientific and analytical evidence behind these experiences.While I understand that for some of my readers who have had these powerful experiences, no scientific proof is needed to validate your experiences. There are many people in this world who have trained or are by nature trusting only of empirical data.Dr. Barbara Fredrickson is one of the leading voices and researchers in the field of positive psychology. Dr. Fredrickson is the Kenan Distinguised Professor of Psychology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is the Principle Investigator at the Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Lab at UNC.In 2009, Dr. Fredrickson published Positivity, an easy-to-read and use primer for anyone looking to bring the experience of positive emotion into his or her life.Here is an excerpt from an interview with Dr. Frederick describing her work. This is Part 3 of 3. The other two segments can also be found on YouTube.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJ83KZ8be28]Stay inspired!Ray2010 Affirmation"2010 is MY year! This is the year I break free! This is the year I break through! This is the year I break out!"