Love Is The Ultimate Affirmation - The Affirmation Spot for Monday February 15, 2010

Some of you will remember the great Leo Buscaglia and some may ask who? Dr. Leo Buscaglia was a motivational speaker before everyone was a motivational speaker. This long-time special education professor at USC was famous for his passionate belief in love and the potential of human beings. Today I am sharing the final two parts of a 10-part video posted on YouTube of Dr. Buscaglia speaking in Wisconsin sometime during the 1980s.

The speech was called Love: The Ultimate Affirmation. The video is dated, but the message is as fresh and needed as this morning's headlines.Love: The Ultimate Affirmation Part 9 of 10[youtube=]Love: The Ultimate Affirmation Part 10 of 10[youtube=]Stay inspired!Ray2010 Affirmation"2010 is OUR year! This is the year we break free! This is the year we break through! This is the year we break out!"