Collective Mental Empowerment Parts I & II
Today's Quote:
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
~George Santayana
Last summer I posted a two-part series on the importance of mental empowerment. The first article discussed all the ways the mental environment is polluted with negativity and fear. That fear is often the result of disinformation, a lack of transparency, and outright corruption and tyranny by the powers that be.The second article discussed ways to deal with it and overcome it.They caused quite a response when I posted them originally. Thought I'd post them again.Collective Mental Empowerment Part ICollective Mental Empowerment Part IIEmpower Your Mind!Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.RayRay Davis is the founder of The Affirmation Spot and an advocate for the potential of the human race. He's the author of the breakthrough novel Anunnaki Awakening: Revelation - order your signed copy today at
Anunnaki Awakening: Revelation is turning heads and opening minds. Humanity's past is checkered, secret, and dangerous.White House Correspondent Maria Love is on to the story of her life and with the help of an Anunnaki leaders seeks to unravel and reveal history's biggest conspiracy. The Awakening has begun!