Hold On - The Affirmation Spot for Monday November 30, 2009

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Check out our new affirmation apps for Apple devices or search i-mobilize on the iTunes store. The Affirmation Spot is developing these motivation apps in partnership with i-mobilize. Click an app to view it - Love Magnet, Sales Booster, Confidence Affirmation, or Full Body Scan, and many more.

Many people who follow me on Twitter or elsewhere on the Internet have come to know me for my positive affirmations and motivational thoughts that I post regularly throughout the day. What they do not know is that my life was once far from a bed of roses.  I hit absolute rock bottom at the age of 25 and very nearly left this world way too early.Much of my situation was self-imposed and based on some really wrong-headed thinking about life in general and my life in particular. I know all too well and all too personally how difficult life can get. I also know - from my experience - how critical it is that we master our thoughts and tilt them in a positive direction. That is why it has become my life mission to spread that message to everyone I can.Today I am sharing a video from a song that came out at that moment in my journey.  I consider this song to be one of the great motivational anthems in modern music. "Hold On" was released in 1990 by the singing trio Wilson Phillips. For me, this song came along right at this moment when I was facing my life or death situation and climbing my way back from the edge.This song spoke to me as I was just "holding on for one more day" and hoping things "will go your way". That's where I was and the best I could think each day at that time.This song - even 19 years later - still speaks to me. It's popularity at the time and since indicates it has spoken to many others as well.What a message of hope for a brand new week! This is a live version from the MTV awards that year.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zi9w_aaF34U]Stay inspired!Ray2009 Affirmation"This year I am absolutely committed to being the person I came here to be!"