How to Benefit from Listening Passively to Affirmations
Today's Affirmation:
"Today I make a bold statement. The world deserves the real me and today it gets me."
Let's face it. You live in a multi-tasking rich world. You juggle multiple projects at work or school. You have to get the kids to soccer practice and dance practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Tae Kwon Do on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Or is it the other way around?
You care for your aging parents. You take the dog for a walk. You try to be a part of your community. Somewhere in the middle of all of that you try to find time to better yourself and understand the meaning of this crazy world.
I understand. I live that life too. That is why I started The Affirmation Spot. I've written, recorded, and used audio affirmations for more than 30 years. The reason I preferred audio affirmations over saying them or reading them is because I could listen to them wherever and whenever I wanted. With the advent of digital media that is truer than ever.
Over the years, I've found that passive listening is very effective. You've had the experience of hearing a song or a commercial many times - without paying conscious attention - and suddenly one day you're singing the song or saying the words to the commercial. That's the result of passive listening. You have unconsciously learned it through repetition.
That's why advertisers run the same commercial on a radio station 20 times a day. That's why they play Top 40 songs over and over. It's to unconsciously put them into your head. Passive listening is powerful!
You can use your affirmations the same way. Put your headphones on and listen while you work or play them in the car on the way to Tae Kwon Do. You don't have to really be listening to get the benefit. Your mind is absorbing them. Sometimes it's even better than conscious listening because you're not really questioning as much. Pretty soon you'll find yourself saying the positive words to an affirmation when a negative situation arises because, like the song, you have unconsciously absorbed it.
Unlike the song, though, it brings real benefit to your life.
Be positive Be peaceful Be prosperous!